Pugalia Caterers has etched out their name as the best Wedding Caterers in Kolkata. Preparing each and every item with meticulous details. Pouring their heart, passion and love for every wedding culinary presentation. Winning over guests with a fabulous array of vegetarian food. And their meticulous, heart-warming and professional services.
The pleasure of watching business grow has been complimented by a plethora of word-of-mouth expressions of the joy and pure satisfaction that each and every guest felt at the wedding precincts. With every word of praise, the Company has doubled their efforts to make every wedding unforgettable. What makes the Company standout is their innovative approach to cuisine. They have made it into a culinary art form with some of the most innovative minds in the industry bringing in and implementing their ideas.
The results have been remarkable. Creating a distinctive taste and appeal for every wedding celebration. It’s the spirit of truly caring about the biggest day in everyone’s life, and ensuring that it is nothing short of perfect that has made Pugalia Caterers who they are today.
Send us your enquiry or request a quote, we'll be
delighted to review it and get in touch.
Corporate Number: +91 98314 07777
Mobile Number : +91 9831071151
Email: sudarshan@pugaliacaterer.com
Panache Banquets
Merlin Homeland Mall - 6th Floor,
18B Ashutosh Mukherjee Road
Near Elgin Crosing, Kolkata - 700020