For 13 years Pugalia Caterers is among the most sought-after names. Offering the very best catering services in Kolkata. In 13 years they have built a reputation for serving delectable vegetarian food. Pugalia Caterers are renowned for their innovative food presentation. Customising of unique cuisines. And bringing in the highest level of excellence in their service and man power.
The Company’s superb culinary spread and facilities has won them luxury clients across Indian and abroad. Their Tie-ups with Vivada Cruise, and Orchid Gardens in Kolkata have exhibited the splendid capabilities of the Company.
The fame of the Company spread rapidly winning them prized clients like Ambuja Cement, ICAI, ICSI. From the grandest of occasions to small boutique events Pugalia Caterers leaves a distinct mark with all the guests and connoisseurs of food and life.
Send us your enquiry or request a quote, we'll be
delighted to review it and get in touch.
Corporate Number: +91 98314 07777
Mobile Number : +91 9831071151
Panache Banquets
Merlin Homeland Mall - 6th Floor,
18B Ashutosh Mukherjee Road
Near Elgin Crosing, Kolkata - 700020